
 Welcome to "No Vanity, Just Sanity"

 Hello and welcome to my blog, I'm so glad you've taken the time to stop by.

No Vanity, Just Sanity is a place for me to be honest with myself and my readers.
I have struggled with my weight for years and I'm FINALLY getting to my happy place--
you know that place where you can finally look in the mirror and feel proud and not disgusted.
That place where you can go into a store and grab clothing sizes off the rack that make your heart sing and then continue with a cheerful dance in the dressing room--you know you've done that dance! Or maybe you're hoping that dance will be in your near future. It's not about being VAIN, it's all about being happy and content with yourself and your image.

 I owe my success to not only myself, but also to the blogging world. Thanks to my blogging friends I'm able to stay on track and stay motivated. I hope I can help motivate you too!
 I changed my nutrition and life in Jan. 2011 when I became a vegetarian. I hadn't planned on becoming a vegetarian, it just kind of happened. I've also given up all dairy, not because that was part of my plan, unfortunately our youngest daughter was diagnosed in March with a severe milk allergy. Her diagnosis led to a dairy free home.

Running and exercise is how I stay SANE. I'm a Stay-At Home Momma and have three darling little girls ages 6, 4, and 1. My loving husband is a busy man, he works full time at our family business and is also in graduate school working on his PhD in Materials Engineering.

So WELCOME to my blog, you'll be reading about nutrition, exercise, weight management, and well basically my life.