Friday, June 17, 2011

Chicks & Clicks

I have a lot on my mind, but first let me share with you what I've eaten so far today.

I slept in, so I didn't have time for a smoothie bowl - I literally had enough time to put on some deodorant, brush my teeth, & throw on some clothes before we dashed out the door for M's tennis lesson. Little time for yourself when you have to pick out outfits for three little ones, make sure shoes and socks are on and lastly do hair. No worries the little ones were fed thanks to Daddy.

I grabbed one of these bad boys and jumped in the van.

Having healthy baked goods in the house is nice when you're in a rush.


Delicious Salad - in the mix:

Fresh Spinach
Chopped Red Pepper
Chopped Zucchini
Cherry Tomatoes
Black Beans
Red Quinoa
One Large dollop of Smoky Chipotle Hummus ~ my very own recipe, look for it soon!

I really like using hummus in place of salad dressing. 

Chicks and Clicks ~ 

 Seriously why are women so clicky with their groups of friends? GRRR!! 
I'm feeling a little low today because I have been booted out of a small group of girlfriends. Living in a small town is rough, everyone knows everyone's business, and it's easy to see when you've not been invited to the mommy/kid pool day at a friends house. 

It's tough to avoid seeing all your friends cars when you're on your way home from the grocery. I didn't get the pool day memo and didn't get it much last summer as well.  Wondering what I've done or said to stop getting the memos? 

Sadly it slowly started last year after Lil' Bit was born - I felt like I didn't hear from these women anymore because I was at home with a new baby and they were out of that stage with their children. Then the icing on the cake was when my husband and I decided this year to leave our church for another church. These women were my church friends and I knew when we made the decision to leave the church that I would probably not hear from these women anymore....sure enough, I was right!

We made the decision to leave our church for many reasons, one being that we believed differently about the the role of women in the church. My husband and I are raising three lovely little girls and the last thing we want to teach them is that they can't be heard or hold leadership just because they are girls. Religion is a tough topic and I wish it weren't.... it should be an easy topic and as Christians we should all love one another and respect each other greatly. 

Being at Stay at Home Mom can be very lonely, but I need to just get over it and move on -- trying not to let the small things in life bother me.

I'll get out of this funk as soon and my husbands arrives home from work and I can head out for a nice run. 

Question of the Day: Have you had your feelings hurt when friends have decided to exclude you?
How did you deal with it? 

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